arbo's blog

37, Pärnu, Εστονία


pääv on normull
varsti lendama ja langema:D


terve suvi vaba:D
4 korda kuus tööl:D
teeme möllu?????
võtke ühendust


sai siis eile tartus peol käidud....ple vist elusees niipalju kenasi naisi ühes kohas näinud .
vähemalt sai sitax tantsida.umbe hää oli.varsti tagasi:D


sirts korras ja pidu algab;)

lugege ja naerge:P

no nii.lemmikud:
bin laden is coming to town,
holy crap,
SILENCE night,
and last not least:jingle bombs:D    pange jingel bells käima ja laulge kaasa:P:P

Jingle Bombs

Dashing though the sand,
with a bomb strapped to my back
i have a nasty plan
for christmas in iraq.

i got through checkpoint A
but not through checkpoint B
thats when i got shot in the ass
by the US military.

oooo jingle bombs
 jingel bombs
mind blew up you see
where are all the virgins
that bin laden promised me?

oooo jingel bombs
jingel bombs
US soldiers shot me dead
the only thing that i have left
is this towel upon my head.

i used to be a man
but every time i cough
thanks to uncle sam
my nuts keep falling off.

mu bombing days are done
i need to find some work
berhaps it would be much safer
as a conveniant store night clerk.

ooooo jingel bombs
jingel bombs
i think i got screwed
dónt laugh at me
because im dead
or i kill you.


7 oktoober 2006.
the day that i will never forget.
friend who stops being a friend never was one.


ema t6releb kui l6hun vaasi, politsei trahvib kui katki teen klaasi, sooklas trahv ootab sind, tuleb tasuda taldriku hind, kuid syda ei ole ju klaas, ei taldrik,ei lillevaas, miks ei trahvita neid, kes l6huvab sydameid.


j'lle sellin ep'ev ;lkus pole midagi tehtud ega saa ka teha sest igav on.naine lasi yle,arst m'ngis munni,lounast j'in ilma,raha on otsas,mis saax veel persse minna.


igav on tahan koju oma kalli naise juurde.

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