Some screenshots of EVE Echoes waiting to be verified
37, Adakli, Turkey

In August, EVE Echoes will be launched on mobile devices, and the specific date of its launch will be on the 13th. This event is to add experience to EVE, and its extensive player testing ended on July 15. For future releases, some adjustments and some localization operations are being made.

If you are new to this game, I would like to say that EVE Echoes is a mobile version of a large space game EVE Online. Players can choose the route they want to take. You can use up to 8000 photoelectric items in 100 ships. So whether it is trade, war or field battle, you can do it your way.

This is a game completely dominated by players. The people in this game are all people in the real world. You can freely establish your own alliance in the game, and you can upgrade your empire from the perspective of territory and political dominance.

Regarding the details of this activity, Netease Games and CCP Games shared some screenshots with us. Most of these screenshots are posters, and some are static characters in the game. They show us different abilities to overcome and invest in these types. You can see these contents in the game screenshot tab.

The EVE Echoes ISK developer also announced some details about the factions found in the movement in addition to some screenshots. Caldari believes that patriotism is the focus. Those who are ruthless in shopping malls and on the battlefield have already carried forward their empire.When EVE Online was launched, it was highly praised for his complete autonomy to players. When the mobile game EVE Echoes appeared, it also gained a lot of fans because of its convenience compared to PC games. Next, I also want to introduce a very convenient website,, to players. Players can buy EVE Echoes ISK on MMOWTS as much as they want, which is also an excellent thing.


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