37, Malmö, Шведска

Sometimes a very tiny little moment worths giving a life time...

teenager in front of the mirror, a young handsome fella. All suited up,
hair done, a fancy smile on his face... Everything is smooth,
everything is perfect. Maybe his prom night, maybe first time he is
taking a girl for a date. Whatever it is, probably one of the greatest
days of his life so far. His father, with proud and joy, taps his
shoulder, puts his car's keys to his hands for the first time. Have fun son... have fun

woman, having a dinner with her love in a fancy restaurant. Everything
is just perfect with one word. String quartet playing a quality song in
the background. Tiny voices coming from all tables. Everyone dressed
wonderful. A moment comes. String quartet stops. She looks around with
confusion. Her love stands, walks next to her slowly, trying to hide
his hands are shaking. Knees down, looks at her eyes in a way that only can
be explained by love, with all eyes around watching him,
shows a diamond ring...Will you be in my life forever and ever as my wife?

couple laying on grasses in a park. Sunny day. Blue skies. Singing
birds. Their hands holding each other's so tight like nothing, noone
can take them apart in that very moment. Saying nothing, eyes closed. Probably they are listening eachother's breathes.
Some feelings so intense that can be easily read from their faces.
Love. The most powerful one. Peace. Care. A moment, again a single
moment comes, he tickles her nose with his, whispers... I love you baby, I just love you so much...

After couple hard hours, a woman hears a loud cry, nurse comes next to her and speaks with joy.. You have a beautiful daughter... She takes her child in her hands for the first time. A man watches
her wife and his tiny little child sleeping together there.

Very well prepared wedding. White tables on grasses. Red rose petals on the aisle. Great altar with beautiful orments on it. A couple standing under. Hands in each others, eyes looking nowhere but deep inside other's. Guests are all sitting. A great exciment and happiness in everyone's heart. The moment comes, priest speaks ...to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to
cherish until death do you part?"

The moment when she says Yes

The moment when he says Yes...

for those moments people. Make your life worth living for. I hope
everyone can have those moments I haven't had anytime in my life. I
hope all your dreams, whatever they are will come true.


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