63, Çankaya, Турција

the teacher asked when muhammed enters the classroom
- "What's your name"
- "Muhammad," he answered the child.
- "Then you do not use their name in France, the name of Muhammed Jean-Francois said the teacher.
Evening return home when his mother asked Muhammad
- "How was your day Muhammed"
- "My name is not Mohammed, now living in France Jean-Francois, and I no longer step," he said.
- "You're the name, your family, culture and religion are ashamed of and deny it?" Said Mohammadi beat his mother.
Muhammad's father told me after what happened. Muhammad's father was beaten even worse.
The next day go to school when the teachers of Muhammad Muhammad saw bruises on the face and asked
- "My little Jean-Francois'ime what happened?"
- "I do not ask, sir, you have 2 hours after the French attack was in two Arab" --


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